Wednesday 14 November 2012

Maori Designs

Maori Designs

For the last 4 weeks Kotuku children have been looking at and studying different Maori designs.
We then sketched some ideas and then transfered them onto cardboard.
We then practised cutting out our designs using modelling clay.
Here are some of our examples.


Then we smoothed the edges with our fingers.
Now we are just waiting for them to dry.
We are going to varnish them and display them on board.
Check out next week's blog to see the final products.

Chirpy comes to Kotuku Class

Chirpy comes to Kotuku Class

In the weekend Daniel found a baby bird all alone and rather tired in the middle of their road.
So Danniel brought the baby bird to school so he could look after it all day long.
They feed it snails and squirted water in it's mouth. Well actually the bird got more of a bath than a drink.
The birds name is Chirpy - but it was rather quiet all day.
We wish Chirpy all the best for his recovery.

Daniel and his mum let Chirpy go at a friends chook farm.
He is doing really well.
Well Daniel for your very kiind heart.

Thursday 1 November 2012

We have been learning how to measure areas and draw to scale.
Children worked in groups to measure different areas of the school and then choose a scale to draw to.
First we measured the top court and then practised drawing it to scale. We used 1mm = 1m.

 These guys are measuring the wall. Interesting shapes.
 These guys had a great time measuring our 4 square.
 Cullen, Ben and Steve found that the rock wall was 2m by 3m. I wonder what scale they would use?
 Emily and Danniel measured the concrete ramp. There scale looked very interesting.



Sunday 28 October 2012

Bake Day

We had a very successful Bake Day.
Thank you to all the families who sent in some very yummy baking.
We made $224.50 in 30 minutes - WOW!!!!!!!

Kowhaiwhai Blessing

Matua Mike came to school to bless our kowhaiwhai pattern.
Along side Kim and Teresa - Bri, Jaxon, Oliver, Shaylah and Cameron designed our school kowhaiwhai pattern. They had many hours talking about what is important to our school and visiting different areas of our community.
Our kowhaiwhai represents our area, our local community and our school.
This pattern will be put up outside the office.
Come and have a closer look, they are fabulous.

 Bri and Shaylah explain to the school what each part of the kowhaiwhai mean.
 Our senior boys did the haka - to show their appreciation for the wonderful work that went into designing this kowhaiwhai.

Olympics Day

Active Ferns organised some Olympic activities for the whole school to do.
We all got into the spirit of it and got dressed in our house colours.
There was a junior and a senior team and they had 4 minutes to try and get as many points as they could.
Thank you Active Ferns for organising this great event.
 Pawharu house getting ready.
 Whai and Patiki houses
 Patiki getting ready to earn as many points as they can during discus.
Cullen getting into the Patiki spirit.
 Whai house doing their chant
 Liam throwing the float. I wonder how many points he got?
Go Bri!
The winning house was Whai
2nd was Pawharu house
3rd was Ika house

Saturday 27 October 2012

Measure an Orange

Here the children had to work out different ways to measure an orange. We made sure that we recorded the correct unit and that we looked closely at the measurement.
 Paige and Kohatu seeing how much their orange weighs.
 Billy & Eli finding the volume of their orange.
 These boys are wondering what temperature their orange is.
 Hope and Peti measuring the volume of their orange, with help from Linda.
 Peti finding out how tall her orange is.
 Jaxon and Tawhiri measuring the diameter of their orange.
 These boys are making sure that they record their answers correctly.
Shaylah checking that Steve & Ben have measured correctly.