Thursday 23 February 2012

Interviewing Emily Smith From The Kotuku Class Room

Whats You Favourite lollie In The World? Sherbit

If You Were To Live Any where in the world?under ground

If you where to have $1000000 What would you do with it?spend it all on lotto tickets

If you were to be anyone who would it be? betty white

If you where famous what would it be for? The luckyest person in the world

Whats your favorite ice cream? Double choc fudge.


This Week we have been focusing on camp organisation. Our class is going to Whatuwhiwhi to fudraise we had a bake day(to find out more go down) we also had a raffle the prize was $100 which was won by...


Bake day


Today our class had a bake day and our class would like to say thank you to: Vicky Franklin, Julie Sparksman & Shanly Williams. We were fundraising for our camp on Wednesday the 29th of feb.

Monday 13 February 2012

Welcome To The Kotuku Class Room

Kotuku is a white heron. A rare bird (100-120 birds). It is very beautiful. Maori saw them as a unique special bird.

We are at the top of New Zealand in a wonderful place called Mangonui. We live next to the sea, we swim, we fish, we go diving and sometimes just go for a walk down our divine beaches. We have plenty of cool places we like to go to.

Mangonui School has 150 students (Yr1-Yr6) and seven classrooms. The Kotuku class is the senior classroom, it has 23 cool learners and one fantastic teacher.

Our Class At Work

Our Fantastic Teacher